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See ya Mate !

Apres 324 Jours passes en Australie, plus de 31000 km, 10 tonnes de cerises et la moitie de raisins, 14 trous de rouille rebouches, des millions de mouches don’t quelques centaines ecrasees, et, surtout, des superbes moments impossibles a quantifier…
Il est temps de partir.

Vous comprendrez aisement combien ce dernier article represente bien plus qu’une fin “classique” de vacances. Une magnifique aventure humaine s’acheve. Beaucoup de nostalgie deja, de la tristesse, certes, mais on repart avec plein de beaux souvenirs et images, et le sentiment d’avoir ouvert des portes insoupconnees jusqu’alors.

Au fil des kilometres s’est confirmee la certitude que le voyage est bien plus qu’une pause, un instant d’evasion ou la decouverte de paysages inconnus. Quand on visite un lieu, c’est d’abord les rencontres qui marquent. La grande vadrouille en Australie, c’est avant tout l’unique experience d’avoir partage nos histoires, nos routes, nos “maisons”, nos rires, nos vies.

We'd like to thanks all the people who made our Australia an unforgettable experience :

Wing, whith whom we discover Brisbane ;

Jane and her husband, for our first australian BBQ, and the discovery that the australian water is drinkable !

Alex, thanks to you we could work in Magadalla Farm in Young, the real start of our adventure. Everything would be completely different if we didn't meet you while your convalescence !

All the workers in Young : Graham, Fonso, Christine, Nicole, Chris, Ray, Coleen, Fanny, Lucie, Richard, JeanPhi, Stacy, Marta, Esther, Jonathan, etc… and especially Aurore, Cindy, Laurent and our two amazing ladies : Gail et Lynette ! We'll miss your kindness, your youth and your permanent joy !

Marie and Cecile : share the Tasmanian beauty, the Mildura extrems, and all these evenings inside our vans remain our best memories ;

Serge, it was very nice to meet the St Kilda counsellor. Hope to come back in Melbourne !

Jessica, the only one to gave us a job opportunity, we didn't believe to be so lucky with our cardboards !

Eric, Leo, Inae and Chelsea : we can't wait to see you again in Hawaii or France !

Philip and Marlen : a long road with the nice company of our germans neighbours !

Julien and Matthieu, the funniest way to take a shower (automatic watering), and a nice company in the West "Nowhere".

Peter, Lauren and Grace, for your amazing hospitality, and all the moments together in Darwin

Charles, thanks for sharing your extraordinary road trip from London to Australia. An other exemple of a great guy young at heart !

Lucas and Roberta, i'm sure you will love Marcel (cello) as much as we did !

Max and Michael : 3 weeks we'll never forget : you, all this laughter, the delicious meals and the lasagnas. One of our best stage !

Ada, Col, Robert and Annette for opening your home in Newtown and Mt Druitt

And everybody else we met on the road, in cities, rest areas or during walks, shared a chat, a BBQ, or just helped us. Aah, and a special thanks to our "sponsors" : Coles, Woolworths, IGA, Bunnings, K-Mart, Target, BigW or Mitre10 !!

Un grand grand merci a nos familles et amis qui nous ont soutenus et suivis tout au long de notre aventure. Vos nouvelles par le net ou au telephone etaient toujours attendues avec impatience, maintenant on a hate de vous revoir le 26 aout ! Quelle chance de vous avoir !!

Enfin, merci a tous, qui par votre simple visite ou vos commentaires, nous ont donne l’envie de continuer a partager notre aventure.

Finally, thanks to everyone, whom by just your visit or your comments, gave us the motivation to continue sharing our adventure.

If anyone wants informations or anything else, we'd love to hear from you !

THANKS !!!!!!

2 commentaires:

At 6 août 2009 à 07:25 Alice said...

Très belle conclusion les amis !
Thanks to you too de nous avoir fait voyager sans quitter notre fauteuil et nos écrans, et à bientôt, car sachez que tous les Français ont hâte de vous retrouver fin Juillet !!...
Grosses bises de l'Ile-de-France ( J-19 !! )

At 5 septembre 2009 à 21:43 ozy days said...
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